
nov 29


"Är det Red Hot Chili Peppers?" - Karolina
"Nej, det är Pocahontas." - Jag

"Jag vill mjölka ditt hår." - Sandra var poetisk under mentorstiden

"Allihopa! Nu kommer Mårtens favorit - DARIN!" - Charlotte


nov 10 and 11


"Shit, vilken snygg rödbrost!" - Emelie


summary of my London trip!


CDs bought in London:
Underoath - They're Only Chasing Safety
Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends (special edition)
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Blink 182 - The Mark, Tom And Travis Show
Funeral For A Friend - Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation
Funeral For A Friend - Hours
Finch - What It Is To Burn (special edition)
Bob Dylan - Greatest Hits
